Evaluating the impact of smart urban governance components in the strategic planning of Iranian cities (case example: Urmia city)
Subject Areas : Urbanism
Mohammad Mohammadnejad
Fereydoun Naghibi
Soma Mohammadi
1 - Department of Urban Planning, Urmia, Iran
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
3 - Department of Urban Planning, Urmia, Iran
Keywords: evaluation, smart city, Strategic planning, policy, Urmia.,
Abstract :
Simultaneously with the growing trend of urbanization in Iran and the social and economic developments of the cities, inadequacies in the social and economic fields have disrupted life in the cities. In the meantime, technological growth and progress in the last few decades has created new perspectives on the effects of information and communication technology in the city. In such a situation, the smart city has been considered by planners as a strategy to reduce the problems of urban population growth and rapid urbanization. Urmia, as the tenth most populated city in the country and the second largest city in the northwest of the country, has seen significant growth in recent decades, Therefore, it will be an important issue to measure and evaluate the feasibility of the smart city indicators and examine and solve the challenges ahead in the development process of this city. The current research under the title of evaluating the realization of smart city indicators in Iranian cities is a case study of Urmia city in terms of method, descriptive-analytical and in terms of practical purpose, which was initially prepared using library studies, existing documents and information on the theoretical charge of smart cities, and since the main goal of this research is to evaluate the realization of smart city indicators. Therefore, it is a survey research and in the end, SPSS software and VIKOR model will be used as tools to analyze the data collected in the study area for data analysis and to calculate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire.
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