Measurement and evaluation of livability indicators in urban areas (Case study: Qasrdasht neighborhood of Shiraz)
Subject Areas : Architecturemohammadreza shahriyari 1 * , Parisa Moshksar 2
1 - phd student
2 - Assistant Prof., Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: body, livability, Social, Shiraz,
Abstract :
In the last few decades, the phenomenon of degradation of environmental quality has cast a shadow on the structure of old Iranian cities and has threatened its long-term sustainability... The aim of the current research is to measure livability and its influencing factors on the residents of Qasrdasht neighborhood in Shiraz. Therefore, the research is based on the descriptive-analytical method in terms of its practical purpose and method. In order to collect the required data, documentary and field methods and questionnaires have been used. The statistical population is the households living in Qasrdasht neighborhood of Shiraz city, based on Cochran's formula, 378 questionnaires were calculated as the sample size. 18 items in the form of 5 main components have been used to measure livability indicators. Also, data analysis was done using statistical methods of T-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis method in SPSS software. The obtained results show that livability in Qasrdasht neighborhood is above the average level and according to the Pearson correlation coefficient among the dependent variables studied, i.e. economic, social, physical, environmental and infrastructure components and services, correlation and direct relationship There is statistical significance. Also, the results show that the social index with a beta value of 0.289 had the greatest impact on the livability of the residents in the neighborhood.
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