Site selection of Optimum Positions of CNG Fuel Supply Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System In Line With Sustainable Urban Development Policy (Case Study: Ahvaz City)
Subject Areas : Environment
Parisa Shabani
Soolmaz Dashti
1 - Department of Environment, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Environment, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Site selection, Fuel station, Policy of Development, AHP, GIS.,
Abstract :
Urban growth and urban development have created many problems for cities, and Site selection of urban services can be effective in regulating the functioning of cities in large measure. The network of fuel stations is a municipal service, which acts as a fuel supplier to the urban transport sector and in turn is important for traffic considerations, urbanization, safety and environmental issues. In this study, at first, 18 criteria in three socio-economic, physical, technical and operational environments were selected as effective criteria. Then the spatial data became standard in the GIS environment and turned into new information layers. Each of the criteria and sub-criteria were weighed in terms of their importance in site selection of optimum positions of CNG fuel supply through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) process, and after integrating the weighted layers, the map of the optimum location areas for CNG fuel was produced. According to the results 48.58% of the area, it has the potential to build the CNG fuel supply location. Also, of the 8 CNG and dual fuel stations in Ahvaz, only 2 stations with suitable conditions are located in the north of zone 2. 3 stations in completely inappropriate areas, 2 stations in inappropriate areas and 2 positions in the middle areas. As a result, it can be argued that Ahvaz has a high potential for building Fuel station, but with a lack of site selection of CNG fuel, which can be solved with proper management and appropriate allocation of funds for the implementation of site selection design projects for CNG fuel and it is possible to take steps in the direction of rural sustainable development policy
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