Social-psychological model of body management of generation (z) based on virtual space and cultural capital with the mediation of social comparison .
Subject Areas : social psychology
eghbal valadi
hamed noori
1 - MA.clinical psychology
2 - assistan
Keywords: virtual space# social comparison, Z generation# body management# cultural capital,
Abstract :
One of the paradigms proposed in the field of social psychology of the body, which has become popular among girls today, is the body management of Generation Z, in which girls are faced with changes in the physical characteristics of their bodies after the 1401 protests. The research method was applied in terms of application and purpose, and the survey method was used in terms of descriptive-analytical implementation. The research tools include Bourdieu's cultural capital questionnaire and the researcher-made questionnaire on girls' body management scale and Gibbons' social comparison. This research was conducted in 2022 and the sample size was made up of 60 girls aged 15 to 30 in Sanandaj, the sampling method was a simple random type and for the analysis of quantitative data, SPSS26 and SMART software was used. PLS has been used. The research findings showed that there is a significant relationship between the variables of generation z body management, cultural capital, virtual space, and social comparison of the mentioned variables. The social-psychological model of body management of generation z (z) based on virtual space and cultural capital with the mediation of social comparison (a case study of protest girls 1401) is suitable. The effect of predicting body management of Generation Z girls based on the social comparison in this research is equal to 0.42 and the effect of predicting body management based on cultural capital in this research is equal to 0.44 and the effect of predicting body management of Generation Z. based on virtual space in this research is equal to 0.47. In generation z girls of Sanandaj city, social comparison is an essential source of information about the self-management of generation (Z) bodies, and social comparison processes fill the gap between self-related topics and the concept of individual and intergroup identity based on protest psychology. As the consumption of external virtual space increases, the body management of generation z increases. In fact, these results show that the society in question has been exposed to conflicting and emerging sources of identity.
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