The lived experience of Occupational Identity Diffusion of ninth grade female students
Subject Areas : social Identity
Kharaman Babayy
عبدالرحیم کسایی اصفهانی
Kianoush Zahrakar
1 - Karshenasi arshad
2 - استادیار گروه آموزشی مشاوره و راهنمایی
دانشکده روانشناسی و علوم تربیتی
3 - kharazmi
Keywords: lived experience, identity, occupational identity diffusion, students,
Abstract :
Occupational identity Diffusion is one of the most important crises of the adolescent period, that disrupts the path of choosing a job, the need to recognize its signs is of particular importance due to extensive social changes in girls. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the lived experience of Occupational Identity Diffusion of ninth grade female students. The current research was a qualitative phenomenological type. The target population included all ninth grade female students of Erfan Qarchak Varamin School. For purposeful sampling, 40 students were selected and based on the cut-off point of the Identity Status Inventory- Occupation (Dellas & Jernigan, 1981), 27 had the criterion of confused identity, and finally 23 were selected based on opinion saturation. The expression of data collection was Identity Status Inventory- Occupation (Dellas & Jernigan, 1981) and unstructured interview with information interpretation. Data analysis was done with the method of Frost (2011) in four steps(Reading the text, returning to the text, checking the codes and classification). In the results of the semi-structured interviews, 60 codes or concepts were obtained, and 18 codes were obtained by removing duplicate items and combining similar items. These codes were classified into 6 sub-themes, then these 6 sub-themes were placed into three main themes. took, therefore experiences of students with occupational identity diffusion are classified into three main themes: individual experiences (lack of direction and lack of self-efficacy), family experiences (feeling of helplessness and parental neglect) and social experiences (limited resources and negative attitude towards the future of the job). Considering the multi-dimensional and complex nature of the occupational identity diffusion in the context of Iranian society, there is a need to plan to eliminate psychological-behavioral and educational-occupational injuries.
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