The Impact of Growing Political - Economic Relations of India and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council on Economic Development of these Countries
Subject Areas : Middel EastTahereh Ebrahimi Far 1 * , Seid Amirsaeed Hedayati 2
1 - Associate Prof. of Islamic Azad University, Centeral Tehran Branch, International Relations Dep. Iran, Centeral Tehran
2 - Ph.D. Student in Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch, International Relations Dep. Iran, Isfahan
Keywords: energy, development, India, Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, Political and Economic Relations,
Abstract :
Indian presence in the Persian Gulf and its relations with the Arab states of the Persian Gulf has developed into a dynamic relationship over the years. While India's relations with the region dates back to centuries ago, but in recent years, it's relations with the countries of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council has expanded rapidly. With the emergence of India as a major economic power in the Persian Gulf region in recent years and economic growth of the Persian Gulf simultaneously reinforce the economic interdependence. Although India's economic presence in the region of barter between the merchants to the Persian Gulf oil industry development has been changed by human capital of India, India's political presence, more or less has been remained as ineffective. However, in the changing geopolitical landscape after the Cold War and from the prospect of widespread security from the Persian Gulf to Afghanistan, India as a major geopolitical country has a strategic importance for the countries in the Persian Gulf. In the study of the current relations between India and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, this paper tries to answer the question: what is the impact of the increasing political and economic relations of India and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council on the development of these countries? The findings of the this study indicates that the interdependence of the countries to each other and also the vicinity of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean has accelerated the development of relations between them and eventually led to the economic development of India and Persian Gulf countries.
منابع فارسی
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