Explaining the role of I.R. of Iran's Cultural Diplomacy in the South Caucasus
Subject Areas :Mohammad Al Basiri 1 , Fahimeh Khansarifard 2 *
1 - Assistant Prof. of Political Science Dep. University of Isfahan
2 - Ph.D. Student of International Relations, University of Isfahan
Keywords: South Caucasus, Cultural diplomacy, Center, Periphery, World System,
Abstract :
I.R. of Iran as a regional actor has many historic-cultural capacities for cultural influence in the South Caucasus region; so that this can be admission to benefit from the new tools of cultural diplomacy by I.R. of Iran in the region in order to achieving its foreign policy goals. But The Existence of internal and external obstacles has been interrupted in this context and Caused that iran has to the Semi-periphery position in the cultural field in the Periphery region of South Caucasus on base Wallerstein Thoughts. The research question is: What are the reasons for weakness in I.R. of Iran's Cultural Diplomacy performance in the South Caucasus? The research hypothesis also is that Iran at the same faced with internal challenges, marginalized in the field of culture of region due to effective performance by other actors (external obstacle). The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and content analysis with using library tools.
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