The Role of Higher Educatio in US Cultural Diplomacy: Emphasis on Performance in Iran
Subject Areas :Mohammad Reza Dehshiri 1 * , Mahdi Taheri 2
1 - Associate Prof. of International Relations Group at School International Relations
2 - Ph.D. Student of Institute for Cultural and Social Studies
Keywords: United States of America, Soft power, Higher Education, Cultural diplomacy, Academic Diplomacy,
Abstract :
Due to the capacity of universities and higher education capacities in cultural diplomacy will be very important. This is the same issue that refers to academic diplomacy. Can be said for countries like Iran that significant capacity in the academic and scientific, and this issue needs more attention to it. According to international experience in the capacity of higher education to cultural diplomacy and policy in this regard could contribute to faster along the road. Different countries according to their economic and cultural power, the cultural and educational exchange programs have invested. America's most prominent and most successful countries in this regard the United States. Through cultural diplomacy programs such as student exchanges and scholarships, Education International projects for foreign visitors, lecture programs, arranged for journalists, English language development, etc., the United States is in transition values and ethical principles. In this context, the United States of America has two major functions, one English and the other quality higher education system.
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