Brotherhood and Ennahda, the Similar Ideas Differrnt Directions
Subject Areas :Seyed Abdolamir Nabavi 1 , Hossein Ebrahimnia 2 *
1 - Assiastant Prof. at Institute for Social and Cultural Studies (ISCS)
2 - Ph.D. Student of International Relations and Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for Middle East Strategic Studies
Keywords: Egypt, Brotherhood, Ennahda, Military, Political parties, Tunisia,
Abstract :
The initiated of the changes in Tunisia and Egypt are now faced with differing crises In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has virtually collapsed in the wake of the military has been removed from the public sphere; In Tunisia, Ennahda's political bargaining with other political groups in the country And experienced the fate of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has sought the flexibility of playing politics in this country is not excluded; Now we are faced with the question of why groups the similar the Muslim Brotherhood and Ennahda with the ideology thoughts traveled a different path? It seems that the social fabric of the country is faced with four influential forces include: People (youth), Military, political groups marginalized and eventually regional and global factors in Egypt and Tunisia; To collect data necessary to describe, analyze, analysis of the data addressed to the effectiveness of the independent variable on the dependent assessed.
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