Tabiq, Pahlavi regime's and revolutionaries' point of view about the Palestinian issue (within the framework of the theory of realism and idealism)
Subject Areas :
Zahra Mirzaeimanesh
shohreh pirani
1 - Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University, Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Shahed University, Tehran
Keywords: Israel, realism, Palestine, Idealism, Pahlavi Regime, revolutionaries,
Abstract :
AbstractThe issue of Palestine is one of the most important international issues in the region that requires a lot of attention and study. In this article, a comparative study of the views of the Pahlavi government and the revolutionaries on the issue of Palestine is discussed. Given the history of the occupation of Palestine and the claims of the Jews about the land of Palestine in this study, the position of the Pahlavi regime from the perspective of defensive realism and the position of the revolutionaries from the perspective of idealism and we seek to answer the main question. What were the views and positions of the revolutionaries on the question of Palestine? The research findings show that the revolutionaries' view of Palestine is from the aspect of idealism and ummatism, which consider the land of Palestine as part of Islamic lands. The Shah has defended the Palestinian cause based on nationalism based on a position of realism, and has paid more attention to the security and internal interests of his country than to a Muslim country occupied by non-Muslims, and wherever he has been in his favor. It has expressed support, sometimes on the Palestinian front and sometimes on the Israeli front, as a result of which it has lacked a clear international policy. The method used is a qualitative method of documentary analysis.