Brexit and Special Relations in lieu of Global Britain idea
Subject Areas : European Union
Alireza Ghadrdoust Nakhchi
Mehdi Zakarian Amiri
Hamid Ahmadi
1 -
2 - International Relations, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran
Keywords: European Union, England, Britain, Brexit, United Kingdom, Global Britain, Special Relations,
Abstract :
The results of the United Kingdom referendum to leave the European Union on Thursday June 23, 2016 was a big shock not for the UK but for the Europe and the rest of the world. In the plebiscite, 52 percent of the eligible voters chose leave, better known as Brexiteers, to take the rest of the 48 percent out of the Union. Due to type, form and the nature of the UK relations with the countries, the effects of the vote is quite understandable. Moreover, the leave vote put a huge question mark on the on-going efforts of European integrations.Changing world conditions, emerging China as an effective power, along with Russian moves especially after annexation of Crimea, jeopardizes EU’s firm stance against international developments. On the other side of the Atlantic, occurring Trump phenomenon in 2016 in the United States changed deep-rooted “Special Relations” with the two Anglo-Saxon countries and the Europe, as well. In the aftermath of the Brexit, “Global Britain” strategy focuses more than ever on Britain’s role in the world. In this strategy, Britain away from EU can be an active player in the world arena.This paper based on integration theory will quest the answer to the question of do we face close UK-US relations in the post-Brexit? The findings show that the two countries will be closer and the UK needs the US to gain its goals in the Global Britain policy.