The Examination of the Role of Intellectuals in Reza Khan Getting into Power
Subject Areas :
Bizhan Mirzaei
ali karimi meleh
ali asghar zargar
1 - Ph.D. student of political science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Political Science, Central tehran branch, Islamic azad university, Tehran, iran
3 - Department of political scienc,Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
4 - Department of Political Science, Central tehran branch, Islamic Azad university,Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Nationalism, Intellectuals, Reza Khan, Authorized government, Authoritative modernization,
Abstract :
Reza Khan getting into power is one of the main events of Iran contemporary history for which various factors have been proposed from interference of foreigners to the chaos of Iran after constitutional revolution. In this regard, the intellectuals who played significant role in making Reza Khan get into power through their intellectual and practical support should be mentioned. The intellectuals of this period considered the saving path of country in establishment of "authorized government", "expansion of nationalism" and "authoritarian modernization" by avoiding the constitutional ideals and perceived the satisfaction of these ideas in Reza Khan's personality. Thus, in their publications which they published until Reza Khan Kingdom, they pursued these ideas and were united in fulfillment of them through establishment of a superior and concentrated political power. The coalition between Reza Khan and intellectuals leads to enhancement of political status of Reza Khan and succeeded in providing a map for his future government which he tried to implement during his 20 years of presence in politics