The reasons for the hegemony of West conflict among Iranian intellectuals, 40s and 50s Abstract
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Sohrabi
abas salehi
1 - Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Hamedan
2 - Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch, Political Science Department, Iran, Hamedan
Keywords: Discourse, Keywords: Laclau Mouffe, West anti-intellectual, nativist, othering,
Abstract :
West conflict is one of the most important approaches in the eyes of Iranians to the West in the contemporary era and gradually developed into a dominant discourse has become. Attitude pessimistic to the West in the 40s and 50 of the district social forces opposed to the status quo, especially intellectuals and the elite national and religious in the form of a Rvaytprdazy difference with the West to life metaphorical continued for a discourse against power, reproduction and grounds were Ghrbstyzy discourse. A review of the political phenomena, their analysis is based on discourse analysis. This article first examines the reasons for anti-hegemonic discourse among intellectuals in the West 40 and 50 According to Laclau and Mouffe as one of the most important and richest theories in the field of discourse analysis. This article attempts to reason Ghrbstyzy hegemonic discourse among intellectuals decade of 40 and 50. According to Laclau and Mouffe as one of the most important and richest examine theories in the field of discourse analysis. The main question is Mouff According to Laclau articulation of concepts, processes and deploy identity discourse in the 40s and 50s Ghrbstyzy How did it happen? Basic assumption is that according to nativism, Islamic fundamentalism and Iranian historical skepticism in the West, against the forces of the status quo had a direct impact on the spread of West conflict in Iran. Accordingly Islamism and nativism as the main evidence Ghrbstyzy discourse and concepts and other things around it have been articulated.