Neo Pluralism as a New Post Westphalian State in the International System
Subject Areas : International Relations
Mansour Salehi
Mohammad Tohidfam
1 - Ph.D. student of Political Thought, Department of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Department of Political Science
Keywords: State, international relations, Pluralism, Neo Pluralism, Post Westphalia System,
Abstract :
One of the most important terms of political science is the concept of state. Governments in the international system are in contact with each other and all face difficulties. Since politics is always in the midst of political and realities, it has tried to provide solutions to these problems in international relations. These solutions are regulated in the form of patterns for the government's mechanism in dealing with the problems. Our main question in this research is that "what mechanisms do the neo-pluralism government present in dealing with the post-cosmopolitan international system?" Using Springer's research approach, this research attempts to identify major issues of international relations in the present era and to provide solutions at the level of government analysis. According to Sprig's research approach, the crisis has always been the point where the solution to the crisis is to be presented. As always, theories of the "government" have been developed in this manner.
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