The level of political participation and institutionalized Islamic Republic Party and populist political movements in Third World countries
Subject Areas : International RelationsSeyedali Mortazaviyan 1 * , Reza Parizad 2
1 - Political Science Department. Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Political Science Department. Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Key words: Political Parties, Party elite, Institutionalization criteria, Jumhurieh Islami Party,
Abstract :
Abstract Studying political parties’ roles and functions in shaping the civil institutions and their impact on the political structure of the society as well as the causes of their instability and failure is essential to understanding the political life in modern societies. Jumhurieh Islami Party is one of such all-embracing political parties which played an active role in the political life of Iran for a decade. After the establishment of the new political elite in the post-revolutionary Iran, Jumhurieh Islami Party played a major role in the formation of the Constitution, forming civil institutions and establishment of the state’s main institutions through the participation of its members within them. Moreover, within the first few years of its political life, Jumhurieh Islami Party succeeded in organizing nine important and decisive elections such as Islamic Republic Referendum, election for the final review of the Islamic Republic of Iran Assembly, three rounds of presidential elections and three rounds of Islamic Consultative Assembly, besides resolving various problems and crises the country faced after the Islamic Revolution.
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