International Responsibility to Protect and Sovereignty of States
Subject Areas : International Relations
1 - Academic Member of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: Humanitarian intervention, Human Rights, sovereignty, Key words: Responsibility to protect, states,
Abstract :
Abstract This paper attempts to analyze the emergence of the doctrine of "international responsibility to protect" in the climate of human rights extension and decline of the national states sovereignty. The "responsibility to protect" is an evolving concept that shoes the duties of the governments to provide a legal ethical for humanitarian intervention. The increase of internal wars in 1990's the violation of human rights and the dilemma of implication of humanitarian intervention clearly showed the necessity of the foundation of "responsibility to protect". This doctrine is implication of new thinking on sovereignty, which says sovereignty is not "privilege" but is a "Responsibility". So sovereignty as "control" changed to sovereignty as "Responsibility". Upon This new idea governors should to world community about behavior to their peoples. The "Responsibility to protect" has had two important the effect in international relation, first it became clear that the sovereignty of national states is no more also lute and could be declined. Secondly, the individual rights has become seriously under observation of international community.
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