A comparative Study of Secularism from the Perspective of Turkish, American and French Thinkers: With Emphasis on the Justice and Development Party of Turkey
Subject Areas : International Relations
Mehdi Lakzi
Masoud Ghaffari
1 - Ph.D Student at the Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Department of Political Science, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistance Professor at the Tarbiyat Modarres
Keywords: Turkey, secularism, the AKP, Religious freedom, tolerance and coexistence,
Abstract :
Abstract Turkey, since its establishment by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, put one of bases and fundamental principle of its governmental system on the basis of secularism. One of the key factors of secularism in modern Turkey's Ottoman legacy is that government would supervise on religion institutionally. By establishment of Republic in 1923, the state defined its interest basis on secularization and various sectarian groups. The victory of AKP in November 2002 elections, as an Islamic party, has raised important questions about the future of secularism and Islamism in the country. The main characteristics of Turkish secularism is different from American and French one and Turkish people interprets the concept not only on basis of separation between government and religion but elimination of religion from public sphere. The major controversy in Turkey is about the definition of secularism and freedom of religion that resulted from fundamental principles such as the role of religion and government. The study of existing literature about Turkey shows the earlier researches mainly emphasize issues such as security, democracy and process of Turkey joining the Europe Union, and it seems they ignored the Islamists' approaches towards their concepts and identity, especially towards secularism. Accordingly, the authors would try to answer the following questions: what is the AKP' stance on secularism, as an Islamic party? The findings of article suggest the AKP intended to separate the religion from government by accepting the secularism as a governance model in order to guarantee the religious freedom.
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