A Survey on the Factors Affecting the Exit of the United States from the JCPOA
Subject Areas : International RelationsMohsen Zamani 1 , Seyed Amir Niyakuei 2 *
1 - Ph.D Student at the Guilan University
2 - Assistant Professor at the Guilan University
Keywords: JCPOA, Key words: Threat balance, Common idea, Foreign policy Trump,
Abstract :
Abstract: The American effort to quit the nuclear deal, called JCPOA, was a program Donald Trump had been running since the US presidential election. Eventually, the US government officially announced and resumed sanctions and declared readiness to re-negotiate Iran's willingness. The main question of the present article is what factors have contributed to the departure of the United States. The hypothesis is as follows: the Trump Foreign Policy Foundations, the persistence of the threatening nature of Iran after the introduction of the common sense between the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia over the threat of Iran, its interpretation of the role of progress in strengthening the regional presence of Iran and the ignorance Considering this in the context of the internal and external implications, the post action of the Islamic Republic of Iran should be considered as one of the key variables in the decision of Donald Trump on the withdrawal JCPOA of the United States.
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