The Place of "Secession" in International law and Legal Dimensions of the Referendum of IRAK "Kurdistan" for Independence
Subject Areas : International RelationsDaydokht Sadeghi Haghighi 1 , Mahmoud Jalali 2 *
1 - Ph.D Student at the Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor & Academic Member of the University of Isfahan , Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Self-determination right, remedial secession. Unilateral secession, internal Self- determination principle, territorial integrity,
Abstract :
Abstract: Secession from sovereign state and former of a new entity by Reference to the "right of self-determination" in international law has been one of the great challenges of the international community which still remains unresolved. And international law generally has supported the parent state in wish to maintain its territorial integrity. Thus 1970 in declaration of friendly relation and cooperation among states declares quite explicitly that the territorial integrity and political independence of every indivisible. Thus the international community is reluctant to contemplate the breakup of state because of its potential to destabilize. This article will consider the issue of secession and will review its position that does the international law approve the unilateral secession and establishment of a new state in the post-colonial era. The finding of this article reveals that this right has been limited only to decolonization time. Also by examining the referendum for independence of Iraqi "Kurdistan", concludes that the contemporary international law does not approved the outcomes of this referendum independence.
- قانون اساسی عراق. (2005). قابل دسترس در سایت حقوق. تاریخ دسترسی 4/4/2018.
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- Crawford, James. (1999). State practice and international law in relation to secession. British yearbook of international law, vol.96, ISS.1, 85-117.
- Asatiani, sopio. (2013). “Remedial secession under International law: Analysis of Kosovo, Abkhazia and south ossetea”. Supervisor: Charlotte Steinorth. Central European University. Budapest- Hungry
- Vezbergaite. Ieva (2011). “Remedial secession as an exercise of the right to self- determination of peoples”. Advisor: Hannum, Hurst, Central European University, Legal studies department. Budapest, Hungry, 1-104.
- Anderson, Glen. (2013). “Secession in international law and relation: what are we talking about?”, Loyola of los Angeles international & comparative law review, vol. 35(3). pp. 342-349.
- Anderson, Glean. (2015). “unilateral non-colonial secession and the criteria for state hood in international law”. Brooklyn Journal of international law, vol.4 (1). 1-99.
- Anderson, Glen. (2017). “Non-colonial secession and internal self-determination: A Right of newly seceded peoples to Democracy” .Arizona Journal of international law, vol.34 (1), pp. 1-65.
- Bowker, Mike. (2004). “Russia and Chechnya: the issue of secession”. Nation and nationalism journal, vol. 10(4), pp.461-478.
- Fisher, Steven R. (2016). “To wards never again”. Searching for a right to remedial secession under extant international law”. Buffalo human rights law review, vol.22, pp. 261-297.
- Hannum, Hurst. (1993). “Rethinking self-determination”. Virginia Journal of international law, Vol.34, pp.1-35.
- Krueger, Heiko. (2009). “Implication of Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia in international law. The conduct of the community of state in current secession conflicts”. Caucasian review of international Affairs, vol.3 (1), pp. 121-143.
- Moor, Margaret (1997). “On national self-determination”, Political Studies, Vol.45 (5), pp. 900-913.
- Neuberger, nyamin. (2001). “National self-determination: a theoretical discussion”. Nationalities papers, Vol. 29 (3), pp.391-418.
- Shaw, Malcom, (1997). “People, Territorialism and Boundaries”. European Journal of international law, No.3 (8), pp. 478-507.
- Van den Driest, Simone F. (2015). “Crimes separation from Ukraine: An Analysis of the right to self-Determination and (Remedial) secession in international law”. Netherland International law Review, vol.62 (3), pp. 329-363.
- Vidmar, Jure. (2010). “Remedial secession in international law: Theory and (lake of) practice”. St Antony's International Review, Vol. 6 (1), pp. 37-56.
- Vidmar, Jure. (2011). “Conceptualizing Declaration independence in international law”. Oxford journal of legal Studies, vol.33 (1), pp. 153-177.
- Watson, K.William. (2008). “When in the course of human events: Kosovo's independence and the law of secession”. Tulane journal of international and comparative law, Vol.17 (1), pp. 267-291.
- An agenda for peace, preventive diplomacy, peace-making and peace-keeping. Report of the secretary- general pursuant to the statement adopted by the submmit meeting of the Security Council on 31 January. 1992. (1992). [s.l.]. United Nations.
- Proceeding of the summit conference of Independent African state. (May 1963). vol. 1, section 2. OAU. Doc.CIAS/ GEN/ INF/ 43. Addisababa, Ethiopia.
- Aland Islands question, the report by commission of Rapporteurs of Nations council documents. 137/21/68/106/1920. Available at: www. ilsa. Org/ Jessup/10/basicmats/ aland. Pdf, last visited 4/ April/ 2018.
- International covenant on civil and political rights. (1966). available at:
- International covenant on Economic, social and cultural rights (1966). available at:
- Supreme court of Canada, Reference re secession of Quebec 1998, 2SCR. (1998). available at:
General assembly
- G.A/ Res/ 1514 (XV) (1960)
- G.A/ Res/ 1541 (XV) (1960)
- G.A/ Res/ 2625 (XXV) (1970)
- G.A/ Res/ 5060 (1993)
- G.A/ Res/ 67/ 143 (2013)
- G.A/ Res/ 68/ 262 (2014)
Security Council
- S.C/ Res/ 1160 (1988)
- S.C/ Res/ 1244 (1999)
- S.C/ Res/ 1044 (1999)
- S.C/ Res/ 1483 (2004)
I.C.J. Documents
- I.C.J. report. (1969). North Sea and continental shelf. Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark and Nederland.
- I.C.J. report of advisory opinion (1971). On South Africa in Nomibia.
- I.C.J. report of advisory opinion. (1975). on Western sharah.
- I.C.J. report. (1986). Military and para military Activities in and Nicaragua v.united state of America.
- I.C.J. report. (1986). Dispute Burkina Faso v Mali.
- I.C.J. report of advisory opinion. (2004). legality of the construction of a wall in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Other documents
- The text of the declaration is adopted. (1964). reproducted in Brownlie, supra note 61 at 11 and super note 43 at 300.
- International covenant on Economic, social and cultural rights (1966).
- International covenant on civil and political rights. (1966).
- Supreme court of Canada, Reference re secession of Quebec 1998, 2SCR.
- قانون اساسی عراق. (2005). قابل دسترس در سایت حقوق. تاریخ دسترسی 4/4/2018.
- Crawford, James R. (2007). The creation of state in international law. Oxford: Oxford university press.
- Crawford, James. (1999). State practice and international law in relation to secession. British yearbook of international law, vol.96, ISS.1, 85-117.
- Asatiani, sopio. (2013). “Remedial secession under International law: Analysis of Kosovo, Abkhazia and south ossetea”. Supervisor: Charlotte Steinorth. Central European University. Budapest- Hungry
- Vezbergaite. Ieva (2011). “Remedial secession as an exercise of the right to self- determination of peoples”. Advisor: Hannum, Hurst, Central European University, Legal studies department. Budapest, Hungry, 1-104.
- Anderson, Glen. (2013). “Secession in international law and relation: what are we talking about?”, Loyola of los Angeles international & comparative law review, vol. 35(3). pp. 342-349.
- Anderson, Glean. (2015). “unilateral non-colonial secession and the criteria for state hood in international law”. Brooklyn Journal of international law, vol.4 (1). 1-99.
- Anderson, Glen. (2017). “Non-colonial secession and internal self-determination: A Right of newly seceded peoples to Democracy” .Arizona Journal of international law, vol.34 (1), pp. 1-65.
- Bowker, Mike. (2004). “Russia and Chechnya: the issue of secession”. Nation and nationalism journal, vol. 10(4), pp.461-478.
- Fisher, Steven R. (2016). “To wards never again”. Searching for a right to remedial secession under extant international law”. Buffalo human rights law review, vol.22, pp. 261-297.
- Hannum, Hurst. (1993). “Rethinking self-determination”. Virginia Journal of international law, Vol.34, pp.1-35.
- Krueger, Heiko. (2009). “Implication of Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia in international law. The conduct of the community of state in current secession conflicts”. Caucasian review of international Affairs, vol.3 (1), pp. 121-143.
- Moor, Margaret (1997). “On national self-determination”, Political Studies, Vol.45 (5), pp. 900-913.
- Neuberger, nyamin. (2001). “National self-determination: a theoretical discussion”. Nationalities papers, Vol. 29 (3), pp.391-418.
- Shaw, Malcom, (1997). “People, Territorialism and Boundaries”. European Journal of international law, No.3 (8), pp. 478-507.
- Van den Driest, Simone F. (2015). “Crimes separation from Ukraine: An Analysis of the right to self-Determination and (Remedial) secession in international law”. Netherland International law Review, vol.62 (3), pp. 329-363.
- Vidmar, Jure. (2010). “Remedial secession in international law: Theory and (lake of) practice”. St Antony's International Review, Vol. 6 (1), pp. 37-56.
- Vidmar, Jure. (2011). “Conceptualizing Declaration independence in international law”. Oxford journal of legal Studies, vol.33 (1), pp. 153-177.
- Watson, K.William. (2008). “When in the course of human events: Kosovo's independence and the law of secession”. Tulane journal of international and comparative law, Vol.17 (1), pp. 267-291.
- An agenda for peace, preventive diplomacy, peace-making and peace-keeping. Report of the secretary- general pursuant to the statement adopted by the submmit meeting of the Security Council on 31 January. 1992. (1992). [s.l.]. United Nations.
- Proceeding of the summit conference of Independent African state. (May 1963). vol. 1, section 2. OAU. Doc.CIAS/ GEN/ INF/ 43. Addisababa, Ethiopia.
- Aland Islands question, the report by commission of Rapporteurs of Nations council documents. 137/21/68/106/1920. Available at: www. ilsa. Org/ Jessup/10/basicmats/ aland. Pdf, last visited 4/ April/ 2018.
- International covenant on civil and political rights. (1966). available at:
- International covenant on Economic, social and cultural rights (1966). available at:
- Supreme court of Canada, Reference re secession of Quebec 1998, 2SCR. (1998). available at:
General assembly
- G.A/ Res/ 1514 (XV) (1960)
- G.A/ Res/ 1541 (XV) (1960)
- G.A/ Res/ 2625 (XXV) (1970)
- G.A/ Res/ 5060 (1993)
- G.A/ Res/ 67/ 143 (2013)
- G.A/ Res/ 68/ 262 (2014)
Security Council
- S.C/ Res/ 1160 (1988)
- S.C/ Res/ 1244 (1999)
- S.C/ Res/ 1044 (1999)
- S.C/ Res/ 1483 (2004)
I.C.J. Documents
- I.C.J. report. (1969). North Sea and continental shelf. Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark and Nederland.
- I.C.J. report of advisory opinion (1971). On South Africa in Nomibia.
- I.C.J. report of advisory opinion. (1975). on Western sharah.
- I.C.J. report. (1986). Military and para military Activities in and Nicaragua v.united state of America.
- I.C.J. report. (1986). Dispute Burkina Faso v Mali.
- I.C.J. report of advisory opinion. (2004). legality of the construction of a wall in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Other documents
- The text of the declaration is adopted. (1964). reproducted in Brownlie, supra note 61 at 11 and super note 43 at 300.
- International covenant on Economic, social and cultural rights (1966).
- International covenant on civil and political rights. (1966).
- Supreme court of Canada, Reference re secession of Quebec 1998, 2SCR.