The Islamic Republic of Iran's Defensive Action against US Neoconservative Hegemony: From Post JCPOA to 2019
Subject Areas :
International Relations
Younes Forouzan
Abdolreza Alishahi
Majid Rafiei
1 - PhD in Communication Science at the Allameh Tabataba'i University
2 - PhD student in Political Science at the Allameh Tabataba'i University
3 - Graduate Master of International Relations at Isfahan University
Received: 2019-10-04
Accepted : 2020-03-07
Published : 2020-02-20
Islamic Republic of Iran,
Defensive Action,
Political Tensions,
Abstract :
As neo-conservatives entered the White House, many of Barack Obama's policies of democracy, dialogue, and de-escalation replaced policies that actually exacerbated challenges with American rivals. For example, the intensification of economic competition with the People's Republic of China, the failure of a strong alliance with the European Union, and ultimately the intensification of challenges with the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this article, the authors seek to answer the question of what is the policy of the Islamic Republic's approaches to US neoconservative threats, especially after Trump's entry into the White House. This article by using analytical-descriptive theory and written and virtual sources try to answer this question. The authors hypothesize that US threats to the Islamic Republic of Iran will never take place in the military dimension, and the findings of the article also show that the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense action against US military threats is based on three major principles. First, The Increasing Power of the Missile and Deterrent System of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Second; the broad coalition of Shiite resistance in the region; Third, the fragile nature of the United States in the region; and Fourth, the bitter experience of US presence in the region, especially Iraq and Afghanistan.
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