Impact of Insecurity on Development of Neoterrorism in the Middle East An Approach to Iran and Saudi Arabia
Subject Areas : International Relations
Amir Heshmati
Alireza Rezaei
1 - Department of Political Science and International Relations, College of Humanities, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Associate Professor in International Relations, Department of Political Science and International Relations, College of Humanities, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran
Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Ontological security, Neo-terrorism,
Abstract :
Abstract Over the recent years, expansion of neo-terrorist groups in the Middle East has shaped a wave of various security threats in the area. Although credible news has been published on downfall and destruction of organizational and logistical cores of these groups in Iraq and Syria, there are valid documents suggesting that scattered actions still continue by currents depended on ISIS. Various researches were carried out focusing on root causes of development of neo-terrorism and several measures were taken to confront terrorist acts. Nevertheless, at regional level, there is no effective experiment available on investigations and measures taken to identify the nature of insecurity. This is a qualitative research conducted with descriptive-analytic approach aimed at finding how did identity insecurity of Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia influence the development of neo-terrorism in the Middle East? According to the researcher, unrestrained prevention of biographic narration by Iran and Saudi Arabia , added to creating identity insecurity for both countries, triggered or exacerbated the anxiety caused by shame in credence and regional behavior of these actors, prevented earning honor policy, and in an unplanned manner, led to development of neo-terrorism in the region.
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