Political Islam and the West Asian Security Order
Subject Areas : International Relations
Jahanbakhsh Izadi
Hamidreza Akbari
1 - استادیار روابط بین الملل دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکزی
2 - پژوهشگر پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی
Keywords: Arabic revolutions, the Middle East, Political Islam, security systems, Futures studies,
Abstract :
Abstract To draw Security horizon ofWest Asian region- after Arabic revolutions in 2011- it is imperative to analyze variables and important elements such as political Islam. On this basis, the main currents of political Islam and discourses of recent developments affecting the region. In this context, the Islamists behavior can be studied in three main categories: 1. extremism and violence in the Middle East, with the advent of emerging trends Takfiri like ISIL. 2. Inability to maintain power and sovereignty by the genuine political Islam movements like the Muslim Brotherhood. 3. Change activism in the resistance movement. The situation of West Asian region is in a period full of tension and chaos with war, Violence and religious and ethnic division’s experiences.The main question is what is the position of political Islam in the development of security order in the Middle East? This article attempts to explore by exploring trends, driving forces and scenarios of political Islam and Islamic movements, and their role in shaping the regional security order in Middle East.
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