Anatomy of Pink Revolution in Yemen and the Role of Saudi Arabia in Its Repression
Subject Areas : International Relations
Habibollah Abolhassan Shirazi
Seyed Reza Mazlum
1 - Associate Professor Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch
2 - Student of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Shia, Key words: Yemen, Color Revolution, Ali Abdullah Saleh,
Abstract :
Abstract The emergence of colored revolutions in the Middle East countries was an unexpected event in the early years of the third era. The Yemeni Pink Revolution followed the initial stages of the Tunisian Yasmin Revolution and occurred simultaneously with the Egyptian Lotus Revolution and other mass protests in the Middle East in early 2011. Protests in Yemen were initially escalated to calls for Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to resign. For much of the year in 2011, demonstrators have been camped in a sprawling tent city near the university, in Sanaa, flying pinki banners and singing protest songs on a stage. But unity among the antigovernment forces- focusing solely on the goal of deposing Saleh- has splintered. But during recent years, Saleh’s state used all possible instruments against protesters and with support of foreign countries has faced with crises such as war against Al-hosi shiites. Entering the field of military conflict with Shiite militant groups in nearly seven years, six full-scale war with the warriors Al-hosy have to deal with the uprising in the territories of southern Yemen and the dangers of intense activities of Wahhabism led to the growing of people's dissatisfaction with the political system in this country which created variables for challenging. Saudi Arabia trying to expand Wahhabi tradition in her country in order to repress the Shiites and deal with the Shiites in Bahrain, Saudi influence in fear lest they be.Saudi bombing in the Shiite areas in Yemen and doing a proxy war and interventionist policies on behalf the Arab Muslim countries such as Bahrainled military presence as "island shields" to calm the Bahraini Shiites to be.On the other hand, the economic objectives of America and Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the joint is aligned so that they are trying to suppress the revolution in Bahrain. The aim of this paper is to identify how the maturing of the revolution in this country, but Saudi cooperation with the help of American has tried to suppress it.
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