Freedom in the Position of Meaning
Subject Areas : International Relations
1 - Assistant Professor of Political Science Faculty of Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Department of Political Science,
Keywords: mysticism, Law, justice, Despotism, Key Words: Freedom, Liberation,
Abstract :
Abstract Freedom is a Sublime, illustrious, and unreachable concept, for reaching it man endured vast and extensive struggles and endeavors during the prolonged course of his history; Alas no trace of it! But this prestigious concept, incomparable to other homogeneous values, bears some conceptual and semantic problems which makes it to fluctuate between its nature and its boundary and territory; a fluctuation between subjectivity and objectivity. Sometimes freedom is defined as an inherent positive or negative concept, sometimes it is implied in confrontation with despotism, democracy, reality and fact and sometimes it is introduced as equality to human nature. In addition to formative and substantive examination of the above mentioned contexts, this article presumes that in its transition to modernity, the concept of freedom faces with complexity and intertwinement, which is on the one hand stemmed from multiplicity of productions, communications, and awareness of political – social demands, and on the other hand indebted to transmission and development of freedom from the primary meaning of inner-liberation and vice-redemption to freedom of organized official and non official external obstacles.
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