The Impact of the Neoliberal Economic Model on the Development Process in Mexico (1994-2016)
Subject Areas : International RelationsSeyed Mohammad Tabatabaee 1 * , Hadi Ajili 2 * , Mehdi Rezaei 3
1 - Associate Professor of Political Science at the Allameh University
2 - Political Science Assistant Professor, Allameh University
3 - Ph.D Student
Keywords: development, Neoliberalism, Mexico, NAFTA,
Abstract :
The historical study of the development economics in Mexico and an overview of the changes and changes in the patterns of economic development in the country due to the role and position of Mexico in the world today, and especially its important position in the global economy, which has been promoted to the eleventh largest economy in the world, is very important. . Particularly controversial issues raised by Donald Trump, the newly elected President of the United States in connection with Mexico, once again put the country at the forefront. Regarding Mexican economic jumps in recent years, the paper seeks to underline the development economics in Mexico in the historical context, with emphasis on developments over the past few decades in terms of the changes and effects of the global economic system, in particular the neoliberal economic approach to this country. It has been surveyed and attempts to make the Mexican economic success a little clearer in recent years. Thus, the main research concern in this paper is the contemplation of the process of transformation in the patterns of development economics in Mexico with the aim of examining the various effects and consequences of the neoliberal developmental pattern of the country's economic development in recent decades.
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