Iran in Germany Balancing Policy
Subject Areas :
International Relations
Faranak Khodnegah
Davoud Kiani
Mahdi Javdani moghaddam
1 - International Relations PhD Student
Department of Political Science Azad University, Qom Province
2 - Associate Professor of International Relations
3 - Imam Sadeq University
Received: 2019-12-09
Accepted : 2020-11-19
Published : 2020-11-21
Iran and Germany,
balancing policy,
Abstract :
Among the main western power, Germany is the only government that have not left a colonial or domineering record in Iranian historical memory, in the last quarter of Qajar’s political life, throughout the Pahlavi era and during the last four decades of the Islamic Republic of Iran, expanding relations with German have always been one of the Iran’s foreign policy priorities. Decoding the reason of the continuation of historical relations between the two countries, have always been one of the main concerns of international relations scholars. The purpose of this article is to thoroughly examine the political relations between Iran and Germany, after the Islamic revolution in spite of the ideological confrontation between Iran and west. Based on this fact, the main question of this article is how Germany, despite of the intense lobbying of the United States and Israel, have led EU foreign policy toward engagement with Iran. Given the inspiration of this research, from the theory of the balance of power of relation in the analysis of German-Iranian relations, the research method used is also a descriptive analytical one. According to the reasoning of this research in response to the main questions is that Germany have been able to lead by applying some form of balance policy to pursue its geopolitical interests in developing relations with Iran and adhering to its transatlantic obligations to the U.S. and its historical responsibility for Israel, have been able to take the lead in EU foreign policy in engaging Iran.
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