The conidial dispersion of Beauvaria bassiana in date by larval and adult stages of Sawtoothed Beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionMasoud Latifian 1 * , Ebrahim Solimannejadian 2 , Mehran Ghazavi 3
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Abstract :
Beauvaria bassiana (Buls.) Vuill. is one of the Sawtoothed beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), pathogens in date stored condition. The ability of different developmental stages of the beetle to disperse the fungus primary inoculums in three date cultivars Sayer, Zahedi and Deiri were studied. The individual dispersal functions as spore dispersal power and cross infestation rate as spore dispersal rate were calculated. Results showed that there were significant differences in spore dispersal ability by larval and adult stages and in three studied date cultivars. The slope of individual dispersal functions for different developmental stages were negative that indicating the reduction of primary inoculums of pathogen by distance. The rate of primary inoculums transmission was reduced by time also. So, the maximum of dispersal occurred in first days of inoculation. Maximum spore dispersal occurred on Deiri and its amount was similar in Sayer and Zahedi. The adults were more effective on dispersal of primary inoculums on date than the larvae. Conidial dispersion on date wasn't aggressive and the fungi conidia were dispersed on all sites of stored date. Dispersal rate by adults was faster than larvae.
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