Mixed infections of Watermelon mosaic potyvirus and Cucumber green mottle mosaic tobamovirus in Cucurbit hosts
Subject Areas : Plant Protection
Zohreh Moradi
Behrooz Jafarpour
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Abstract :
Mixed infections of cucurbits by Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) and Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) exhibit a synergistic interaction. Watermelon, cucumber and cantaloupe co-infected by the WMV and CGMMV displayed synergistic pathological responses, finally in some cases, progressing to vascular wilt and plant death. Accumulation of CGMMV RNAs in a mixed infection with WMV in some cucurbits was higher than infection with CGMMV alone. Moreover, the level of capsid protein from CGMMV increased in mixed infection. However, the level of WMV did not show any significantly increase in doubly versus singly infected plants. Single infections of WMV or CGMMV on the same hosts produced only vein clearing, blistering, systemic mosaic or mottling on the upper leaves and similar symptoms developed after double infection. It is concluded that co-infections with WMV and CGMMV displayed synergistic interaction which could have epidemiological consequence.
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