Identification of Parasitoids and Seasonal Parasitism of Citrus leaf miner Phyllocnistis citrella (Lep.: Gracillaridae) in Shiraz
Subject Areas : Plant Protection
Zahra Biparva
Mostafa Haghani
Hadi Ostovan
Shahram Hesami
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Abstract :
Seasonal parasitism of Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Citrus leafminer) were investigated weekly during June 2010–September 2011 in two citrus orchards in Shiraz. In orchard 1 Parasitoids were collected from larvae and pupae stage of citrus leaf miner: Pediobius pyrgoWalker, Pediobius saulius Walker,Pnigalio soemius Walker. Moreover, Closteroceros formosa Westwood was observed in orchard 2. The most percentage parasitism was related to species P.soemius with 1.69% in orchard 1 and C. formosa with 26.32% in orchard 2. In orchards (1) and (2) the most percentage parasitism was in November 2010 with 2.88% and in January 2010 with 50.01% respectively.
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