The effect of Volatile Metabolites and Non Volatile Metabolites of Trichoderma in preventing the growth of Fusarium solani the causal agent of Fusarium dry rot of potato
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionZahra Taghizadeh 1 * , Sedighe Mohammadi 2 , Hosein Alaie 3
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Abstract :
Fusarium solani the causal agent ofFusarium dry rot of potato has a wide host range and worldwide distribution. Trichoderma is the most commonly used fungal biological control agent and have long been known as effective antagonists against plant pathogenic fungi. In present study volatile and non-volatile compounds produced from seven isolates of Trichoderma species including T. harzianum (1, 2, 3 and 4), T. virens, T. koningii and T. longibrachiatum were avaluated for their antagonistic effects in vitro against F. solani. The volatile compounds produced form all antagonistic isolates showed mycelial inhibition of the test fungi. T. longibrachiatum and T. harzianum 3 revealed the highest and the lowest antibiosis activity against mycelial growth, respectively. Investigating the effect of non-volatile compounds at 5 and 10 ml concentration showed that the highest inhibitory percentage on mycelium growth of the pathogen caused by T. harzianum 1 (14.28%) and T. harzianum 2 (9.76%) respectively.
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