Efficacy of neem products compare with bavistin for management of Fusarium wilt of chickpea
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionHesamedin Ramezani 1 * , Sasan Ghasemi 2
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Abstract :
A field trial was conducted to find out the efficacy of neem based [neem seed water extracts (NSWE) @ 40 ml/lit and Vanguard @ 5 ml/lit], comparison with bavistin @ 1.5 g/lit, against the Fusarium wilt of chickpea (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceri). Bavistin proved to be the most effective against the Fusarium wilt between these treatments. Maximum plant height was recorded in case of plot treated with Vanguard followed by seed water extract. Maximum number of pods was collected from plots sprayed with Vanguard. Highest grain yield was obtained due to bavistin, applied at 30, 50 and 70 days after sowing (DAS) but the benefit/cost ratio was highest (3.03:1) in one spray of NSWE, applied at 70 DAS which was more economical than other treatments.
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