Study on some biological aspects of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) on cotton in the laboratory condtions
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionSeyed Hamid Reza Forghani 1 * , Nazila Honarparvar 2
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Abstract :
The two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch is a serious and extremely polyphagous pest in many parts of the world as well as one of the most common pests on cotton in Iran. In this study, the biology of T. urticae on Sahel cultivar of cotton was investigated with 43 replications under laboratory condition with temperature 28±2ºC, humidity %60±5, and photo period 16:8 L: D. The result revealed that the average lifetime for female spider mite was 21.07±0.57 and for male 19.23±0.46 days. The average number of eggs laid by fertile female was 5.97±0.85 and infertile female were 6.31±0.6 eggs day. Incubation period for fertile eggs were 11.62±0.25 days and for infertile eggs were 10.69±0.93. The sex ratio of male to female was 1:2.3.
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