In vivo biological activity of Piriformospora indica, Sebacina vermifera and Trichoderma spp. against Fusarium wilt of lentil
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionHossein Kari Dolatabadi 1 * , Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh 2
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Abstract :
Lentil Fusarium wilts, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis (Vasd. and Srin.) Gordon is one of the most important factors of reducing lentil yield in the world. Effect of four soil borne fungi Piriformospora indica, Sebacina vermifera, Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma viride on Fusarium wilt oflentilwere evaluated in a completely randomized design under greenhouse condition. Pathogen was inoculated to soil pots three times (10 days before sowing, while sowing and 10 days after sowing). Seventeen treatments including two controls (plant without pathogen and plant with pathogen) and fifteen combinations of above antagonistic fungi were inoculated while sowing. Different growth factors namely: plant heights, root length, dry weight of shoot and root and disease severity were assessed in flowering stage. Results revealed that the most effect of combination of antagonistic fungi was observed in pots inoculated with treatment (S. vermifera + T. harzianum).
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