Detectionof cucurbits infecting viruses in Shiraz zone and suburbs by using serological and molecular methods
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionZahra Zollanvari 1 * , Sasan Ghasemi 2 , Ali Pakniat 3
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Abstract :
During summer 2012, fifty-seven cucurbits samples were collected in order to determine their viral diseases in cucurbits fields of Shiraz and suburbs (Kaftarak, Baboonak, Tafihan, Daryan, Bidzard, Zafar abad, Kooshk-e- bidak, Sadra and Dokoohad). Samples were examined by using three local antisera, CMV, ZYMV, SqMVby indirect ELISA. ELISA results were confirmed by RT-PCR with specific primer pairs for each virus. Results showed that the most important damaging viruses in these zones were Cucumber mosaic virus with 49.1% with showed yellowing,chlorosis and leaves deformation, Zucchini yellow mosaic virus with 35.1% infection induced mottling, sever shoestring and blusters on leaf surface and Squash mosaic virus with 29.8% incidence with leaf yellowing and mottling on cantaloupe and squash respectively. Furthermore, in some places mixed infections to sort of viruses were seen. Nine samples were infected by CMV, ZYMV and SqMV (15.8%) showing mottling and large blusters with sever shoestring and leaf deformation. Seven samples were infectedby CMV and ZYMV (12.3 %) with partially mottling and shoestring, five samples by CMV and SqMV (8.7%) in which small green blusters on leaves were seen and finally one samples to SqMV and ZYMV (1.7%).
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