Antagonistic Mechanisms of Trichoderma spp. against Rhizoctonia solani, the causal agent of chickpea wet root rot disease
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionSediqqeh Mohammadi 1 * , Bahram Mansoori 2 , Hamid Reza Zamani Zadeh 3 , Asghar Heydari 4
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Abstract :
Antagonistic mechanisms of three isolates of Trichodermaharzianum (THJ1, THJ2 & THB), one isolates of T.virens and one isolates of T.viride were studied against wet root rot agent of Iranian chickpea, Rhizoctoniasolani. In dual culture, all isolates of Trichoderma were able to affect the mycelial growth of R. solani. The isolate THJ2 had the highest percent of growth inhibition (72.77, 94.72 and 94.05 %) at three times interval. On the base of microscopic study R. solani was affected by Trichoderma through hyphal contact, hyphal penetration, hyphal coiling and hyphal fragmentation. The effect of Non Volatile Metabolites (NVM) of Trichoderma isolates on mycelial growth of R. solani indicated that the NVM of THJ2 inhibited the growth of pathogen more than other isolates at three times of measurement, using 5ml (62.34, 73.83 and 70.97 %) and 10 ml (68.04, 72.59 and 80.52 %). Volatile Metabolites (VM) of all Trichoderma isolates inhibited mycelial growth wherease T. harzianum (THB) had the highest effect at three times of measurement (68.02, 73.32 and 73.54 %).
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