The spectrophotometry method to evaluating in the infestation level of developmental stages of Ephestia kuheniella in type date palm Kabkab
Subject Areas : Plant ProtectionNadia Heidary 1 * , Masoud Latifian 2 , Majid Fallahzadeh 3
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Abstract :
Flour moth, Ephestia kuhniella (Zeller), is one of the most important pests of storage date in the wet cultivars. This research investigated to detect hidden developmental stages of E. kuhniella. In Kabkab cultivar by using the spectrophptometry sampling method. The experiments were carried out based on as two ways factorial Anova in the two levels. Factor A (main agent) in the 4 level including the various growth stages (egg, larve, pupa and adult) and factor B (sub agent) in 10 levels includes the densities of 5 , 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 numbers/kg and in the three repetitive in wave lengths between 800-1900 nm. The results showed that the absorption average in the growth stages and also in the various density in each developmental stages had significant difference. Increasing the rate of density gradually causes the increase of the rate of absorption. The highest absorption in 50 density and the lowest in 5 density of each developmental stages had been happened that their amounts were 2.79 and 0.72 respectively. The highest rate of absorption was in the adult developmental stage, 2.28, and afterward there was the pupa, larvae and egg that their amounts were 2.11, 1.83 and 1.68 respectively. The highest distinguish power values measured (b) was in adult (b=1.20) and lowest in egg (b=0.04). The RV of sampling method for egg, larvae, pupa and adult were 6.42, 6.22, 6.30 and 7.05 respectively, and their CV was 35.26, 34.15, 34.55 and 38.63 respectively. Results showed that this sampling method reliable, fast, accurate with high performance in IPM and in the quarantine cases and also product export can have been used in the research programs.
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