The Perfectionism of Indian Style in Saib Tabrizi Court with an Emphasis on Nine Major Poetic Indicators
Subject Areas :
Mojtaba Karimi
Gholamali Zare
Masoud Mahdian
ملیحه مهدوی
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3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
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Keywords: Indian style, Saib Tabrizi, Nine indicators, Perfectionism. ,
Abstract :
Indian style can be considered one of the most important and influential literary styles. This style was born from the migration of some poets of the Safavid era to India, which had a tremendous impact on the nature of their poems. The important issue is that among the many famous poets of the Indian style, such as Rudaki, Khaqani, Bidel Dehlavi, etc., the perfection of this style should be found in the poems of Saib Tabrizi. This article tries answer to this question: "In the works of which poet and in what way does the Indian style reach its perfection?" The hypothesis implies that the Indian style reaches its highest point in the works of Saib Tabrizi. The findings of this research by using the analytical descriptive method and library sources showed that Saib was able to perfect the Indian style by adhering to nine major indicators such as: "paradoxical imagery, independence of themes, depth of semantic relationships, themes without analogy, creating new combinations and terms, abstract images, misrepresentation or double perceptions, the poet's intention to lead the reader's mind astray, specific numerical dependents.
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