Investigating the distribution of verbs based on the theory of experimental linguistic trans-role processes of Halliday Case study: (Fictional books of age groups "A" to "D")
Subject Areas : فصلنامه تخصصی زبان و ادبیات فارسی
azam Dehghani Ahmad abadi
Aida Firooziyan Pour Esfahani
nasrin ghadamgahi sani
1 - Islamic Azad University of South Tehran
2 - English Department, Imam Reza International University, Mashhad, Iran
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Keywords: Children’s literature, Functional grammar, experiential metafunction, A to D ages. ,
Abstract :
The functional linguistics is one of the main three approaches of theoretical linguistics in which function and meaning are considered simultaneously. The present article has chosen the Halliday’s functional Grammar (1994) as the framework. Halliday considers three main metafunctions for language and believes that the child in his/her language development process, gradually learns each of them and little by little assimilates his/her language to that of adults. In the present article, after a brief mention of the importance of stories in the process of language learning, the researchers will introduce the experiential metafunction of language and its effects on the process of language learning. For this purpose, the researchers semantically analyzed several stories of the A to D ages. The results of the research suggest that the verbs included in the studied story books have not been distributed according to linguistic and psychological principles. The irregular distribution of processes proves this very claim.
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