Manifestation of nature in the poems of Manouchehri Damghani and Saadi Shirazi
Subject Areas : فصلنامه تخصصی زبان و ادبیات فارسی
fereshteh taheri
mohammad shahbadizadeh
mahmood mahdavidamqani
1 - facuity of literature and human science. mashhad azad univarsity
2 - Department faculty of literature and human sciences , mashhad azad university.iran
3 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: nature, poem, Manochehri Damghani, Saadi Shirazi.,
Abstract :
Nature has a wide place in Persian poetry. As a representative of nature-oriented poets, Manochehri Damghani has taken the lead in all periods of Persian poetry with a realistic perspective in describing the elements of nature. Like Rudaki and more than him, he has been the flag bearer of the philosophy of happiness and seizing the moment. His descriptions are usually borrowed from all parts of nature with sensory analogies. Saadi, like Manochehri, has an uplifting nature, with this difference, these descriptions are in the service of belief and advice. Saadi is a free faller who sometimes calls out with a sharp and rude tongue, but with politeness: stop turning and turning, the world will not be closed to the world. The results show that Manochehri and Saadi are inclined towards emotional similes. Khorasani poets are more interested in bringing similes is multiple and compound, and Saadi welcomes singular similes. Poet Damghani's goal in every element is to describe beauty and vitality, and poet Shirazi's goal is the exaltation and growth of man in the course of spiritual perfection, influenced by society. Both wise and intelligent poets try to understand the moment; one is the pleasure of the transitory world, the other is a lesson from the transitory world. This research is by inductive method, except for the whole, in the library and fiche method
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