Analysis of the style of poetry and prose of Zenozi khoi's in Divan poetry and the “Forth Bahr (forth chapter) of Bahr al-Ulum”
Subject Areas : فصلنامه تخصصی زبان و ادبیات فارسی
Masume Rahmani far
Najibeh honarvar
Mojtaba Safar Alizadeh
1 - Education Department
2 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Khoy Branch, Iran
3 - A member of the academic staff of the Islamic Azad University, Khoy Branch, Raban and Persian Literature Department, Khoy, Iran
Keywords: : Zenozi, Fani, style, creative verbal and spiritual industries, “Forth Bahr (forth chapter) of Bahr al-Ulum”,
Abstract :
Mirza Mohammad Hasan Zanouzi Khoi, scholar, poet and theologian is a prominent Sadat and Fazla of Zanouz and Khoi. The rise of the Qajar and the rule of the Danbalis in Azerbaijan was a prosperous period for historiography and tazkreh writing and the creation of fascinating works such as Bahr al-Uloom, which Zanouzi also wrote in Persian and Arabic with religious, moral and mystical content. His poetry is written in Persian, Turkish and Arabic languages, which contains: Islamic sciences, philosophical, mystic, logic and wisdom topics. He brought a new design in the form of Masmat and Charpara with a mystical color in a distant weight, which is gentle in Bahr Rajs, which is a rare beauty in the works of other poets, and it should be called Charpara of the first type. He was influenced by the poems of great poets such as Khaqani, Attar, Sanai, Maulvi, Hafez, and Fakhreddin Iraqi, Ohadi Maraghi. He has expressed his poetry with verbal and spiritual techniques, as eloquently as possible, and in the verbal part, he often uses puns, and in the spiritual part, he often uses intellectual similes to a higher sense, and intellectually, by expressing mystical, judgmental, social and moral concepts, his words the frequency of mystical themes is very high. The purpose of this article is to examine the writing style of two works of Zenozu with the titles Bahr 4 Bahrul Uloom and Diwan Fani Khoi (known as Ganj Allah).
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