Explanation of the fall of the government in Golestan Saadi
Subject Areas : فصلنامه تخصصی زبان و ادبیات فارسی
1 - department of social sciences
Keywords: fall of governmen , golestan Saadi, Government developments. ,
Abstract :
Introduction and Purpose: One of the valuable literary works is Golestan Saadi, which has become very famous in the world and many works in different fields have acknowledged this issue. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand Saadi's social thought and explain the process of the fall of the government in Golestan Saadi. Method: The research method in this article is one of the types of documents in which, by using the axiomatization of the propositions of the first chapter of Golestan, he analyzed the internal text and discovered the elements of power and the factors of the fall of the government, the analysis and the process of the fall of the government from Saadi's point of view, and in a model It has depicted a concept. Findings: The findings of the research show that the starting point of the fall of the government, which is looting the property of the subjects, eventually leads to the demotivation of the Shah's troops and the reduction of the Shah's defense power, leading to the fall of the government. Conclusion: The result of this research showed that Saadi (7th century AH) presented a theory about the fall of the governments of his era, which is close to the theories of social thinkers.
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