Cultural reflection of national celebrations in the poems of poets of Khorasani style (Emphasizing the poems of Roudaki, Farrokhi, Manouchehri and Ferdowsi)
Subject Areas : فصلنامه تخصصی زبان و ادبیات فارسیعلی آل اسماعیلی دریاسری 1 , سیاوش مرادی 2 * , lida namdar 3
1 - دانشجوی دکتری زبان و ادبیّات فارسی، واحد خدابنده، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، خدابنده، ایران.
2 - ستادیار گروه زبان و ادبیّات فارسی، واحد همدان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، همدان، ایران
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature& Comparative Literature, Islamic Azad University, Khodabandeh Branch, Khodabandeh, Iran
Keywords: Culture, Nowruz, Mehregan, Sedeh, Bahmanjeh,
Abstract :
The relationship between the poet and customs in every society constitutes a large part of literature. Rituals and customs of every country are considered as the cultural elements of the society, and the diversity and multiplicity of these rituals is a testimony to the cultural richness of a society, and in the meantime, the various celebrations of Iran's rich culture, along with religious holidays as a part of culture, have received special attention in written works. They have pointed out that in each period, special rituals and ceremonies were held. Today, some of these celebrations and ceremonies, which are considered as symbols of Iranian culture, have been forgotten or have become less common among the people; But despite its long history, some of these celebrations have survived and the values behind them have been passed down from generation to generation. The present study seeks to explain the dignity and cultural status of these festivals among Iranians by emphasizing the poems of Rudaki, Farrokhi, Manouchehri and Ferdowsi and reflecting the quantity of each Eid in the divan of each poet, although most of these poems are in praise of rulers and courtiers; However, from the reflection of these celebrations and festivals in Persian poetry, one can get acquainted with the thought of court rulers and the spirit of its people and realize their importance and value in terms of cultural order and useful function that they have created for the proximity of Iranian tribes and national solidarity.
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