Exploring the Identity Components of Iranian Architecture in the Tombs of Iran during the Metaverse Era (Case Study: Hafez Tomb)
Subject Areas : Wisdom and architecture
Mojgan Rezapanah
Vahid Ghobadian
Fereshteh Habib
1 - PhD student, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Emirates Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Architectural Philosophy, Hafez Tomb, Identity, Iranian Architecture, Metaverse Era,
Abstract :
Nowadays, in contemporary tombs, the consideration of identity-building components in Islamic Iranian architecture has been forgotten. In such a way, the tombs of contemporary Iran have turned into meaningless places. Therefore, the research aims to explain the identity components of Iranian architecture in the tombs of Hafez in the Metaverse era. The research question is how to quantify and understand the identity components of Iranian architecture in the tombs of Iran in the Metaverse era. In this regard, the descriptive-analytical research method has been used, and the method of collecting information is through library studies. The results showed that in the age of the metaverse, which is based on virtual realities and the virtual world, components such as real presence, interaction, stability, transcendence, and low cost can revive the identity-building components of Iranian architecture in today's tombs. Considering that the metaverse era manifests modernity in the virtual world, the combination of traditional and modern physical elements in form, materials, and geometry can be appropriate when simulating. Additionally, the use of environmental and climatic patterns, such as the garden and pavilion pattern, the five elements of nature, and attention to the region's climate, can lead to economic savings while maintaining sustainability.
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