Mythological Analysis and Criticism of the Mystical Poems of Faghir Basir Al-Din Shirazi (Case Study of Vahid Nameh) Based on a Post-environmental Approach in Art
Subject Areas : Art
Roham Amirpour Amraee
Mohamad Reza Sharif Zadeh
Abolfazl Davoudi Roknabadi
Pezhman Dadkhah
1 - Ph.D. Student in Art Research, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Full professor, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Full professor, Islamic Azad University, Yazd Branch, Yazd, Iran
4 - Assistant professor of Iqbal Lahori Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Myth, Post-Environmental Criticism, Post-Wordism, Soul of Art, Vahid Nameh,
Abstract :
Statement of question: One crucial aspect of contemporary art analysis lies in the widespread adoption of environmental criticism. This approach consistently seeks to identify historical connections between the appearances of nature and art, contributing to their mutual enhancement. For instance, consider a poem by the poet Basir al-Din Shirazi that describes a province in Iran with a once distinctive vegetation cover, now diminished. Through this method, we can ascertain the contemporary adaptations and discern that the reduction of a particular element (such as a pine tree) may be linked to the increased occurrence of floods in the region. However, this study aims to delve deeper, fostering a more profound understanding of our ecological impact. Purpose: Beyond environmental correlations, this research endeavors to introduce a new creative dimension to the realm of art. It explores a specific sub-part, employing an alternative approach to the literature and mystical conduct of Zahabiyeh. Research method: This study employs a descriptive-analytical method, combining qualitative and practical information gathered from both library and field resources. Conclusion: Finally, our research reveals that, despite a human-centered epistemological focus, our understanding of mythology and its symbolism is integral. This comprehension serves as the key to connecting and applying previously acquired knowledge, contributing to a more concrete understanding.
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