Studying the Presence of the Mongol Rulers in Alexander's Delegation in Ilkhani's Great Shahnameh
Subject Areas : Art
Seyed Mahmood Hosseini Dehmiri
Abolfazh Davoodi Roknabadi
Seyed Rahman Mortazavi
Shapoor Behyan
1 - Student of Art Research, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Design and Clothing,. Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Legitimacy, Demot's Shahnameh, Alexsander, patriarchal period,
Abstract :
The first attack of the Mongols on Iran in around 616-619 AH caused a lot of destruction in the Trans-Nahr and Khorasan regions, and these bloody and brutal attacks caused the destruction and destruction of many cities and regions of Iran. The attacked areas' social, economic, and political structure was destroyed and caused widespread disturbances. After the establishment of Halaku and the establishment of patriarchal rule in Iran, a period was opened in Iranian art in which the influences of Far Eastern art can be clearly seen. The Great Ilkhani Shahnameh is one of the artistic achievements of the period of the Mughal patriarchs during the time of Abu Saeed Bahadur Khan Mughal. In this Shahnameh, the distinct artistic features of the Mughal period flourished and came to fruition, and it recounts the special features of this period well. In this Shahnameh, factors such as political and social influences are well seen, and the expression of these influences in the paintings of this Shahnameh, by showing political and social scenes, expressed the position of the Ilkhans during their reign. In the meantime, dealing with the story of Alexander is often seen in this edition, and twelve pictures deal with the subject of Alexander in different situations. The main question of this research is: What is the goal of the Mongols in portraying Alexander in the Shahnameh and what is the reason for the presence of the Mongol rulers in Alexander's delegation? Based on the research on the subjects of these paintings, we come to the conclusion that by placing themselves in Alexander's delegation, the Mongols intended to create identity in the minds of Iranians. So that the faces of kings like Alexander and the kings of ancient Iran help their acceptance and popularity. This descriptive-analytical research has been done by the library method
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