The Role of Form in the Transcendence of Aesthetic Experience with an Emphasis on Islamic Philosophers’ Opinions and Look at the Tabatabaei House
Subject Areas : Art
Maryam Bakhtiarian
Firoozeh Sheibani Rezvani
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding author)
2 - Assistant Professor of Art Department, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Aesthetic Experience, Form, Islamic Art, Tabatabaei House, Transcendence.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to explain the role of the Islamic form and its relationship with meaning in Islamic art, from the perspective of thinkers in this field by citing examples of architecture in the Islamic era. In this qualitative research, the possibilities of form in the excellence of Islamic art, beauty criteria from the perspective of Islamic sages, and considering the formal elements in the architecture of the Tabatabaei family's house were described and analyzed. The results of this research can be summarized as follows; from the point of view of known Islamic philosophers, the importance of the form in the excellence of Islamic art is that the audience approaches the spiritual experience through this art. In comparing the position of the form in Islamic aesthetics with the concept of form in Western aesthetic thinking, it is evident that the role of the Islamic form is in discovering and recognizing mysteries in the phenomena, and the importance of this role can only be identified in the connection between the form and its meaning. Islamic formal elements such as centrism and geometry, symbol and code, light and color, and abstraction have clear evidence in artistic works such as carpet art, painting, calligraphy, and architecture in the Islamic era. In a case study of the Tabatabaei house, elements such as center and geometry, code and symbol, color and light, and abstraction connect sublime concepts such as unity, goodness, perfection, and beauty.
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