Form in Traditional Art from the Perspective of Titus Burckhardt
Subject Areas : ArtSeyedeh Mahbobeh Moghimnejad Hoseini 1 *
1 - Department of Philosophy of Art, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Form, Titus Burckhardt, Tradition, Traditionalists, Traditional,
Abstract :
Understanding the nature of traditional art over the last century has been the focus of many thinkers and researchers, including traditionalists. Their studies have led to various theories on the philosophy and wisdom of sublime art. Titus Burckhardt, one such traditionalist, has examined both the nature and specific aspects of traditional art through a traditionalist approach rooted in religious and mystical perspectives. From Burckhardt’s point of view, for art to be considered "traditional," its subject matter must originate from a spiritual truth, and its form must also reflect spiritual principles. In this research, an effort has been made to analyze the concept of the "face" in traditional art, specifically through the lens of Burckhardt’s thought. This study seeks to answer the question: according to Burckhardt, what themes and concepts are embodied in the form of artistic tradition? A descriptive-analytical method was used for this investigation, with documentary and library research forming the basis of analysis. The findings reveal that the depiction of the face in traditional art, like other representations of existence, serves as a manifestation of traditional truths, expressed visually with distinct characteristics.
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