Study of Aristotle's and Abn Syna Theory Interpretation of the Soul and the Proportion of Body
Subject Areas : Philosophy
Keywords: Keywords: Breath, female, face, life after death, Aristotle, Avicenna,
Abstract :
Abstract The relation of self and body has been among the long lasting problems of philosophy. Aristotle and Avicenna as two most Peripatetic philosophers, have two different perspectives on this matter. Aristotle union of the soul with the body, in combination with the loss of the body which seem, breath away as well. But Avicenna with his religious principles, as the essence of the soul independent of the body that arises no body is able to continue his life. In the present research, in addition to explaining the nature of the self, according to the philosophical ideas of Aristotle and Avicenna, the outlook for these two, especially on the subject of life after death, we will. Aristotle explains Avicenna soul interacts with the body and Avicenna, the relationship of matter and form relationships knows that the best combination is unity. So he explained life after death is problematic because of the loss of the body, the soul must also be eliminated. Avicenna, Institute for the challenge to go out that Aristotle was caught in it, the resolution is as current as the inherent and self, trying to explain life after death, Aristotle faced with the paradox facing the iterations.
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