Presentation and Analysis of the Historical Mansion of Zij Manijeh in Sarpol-e Zahāb
Subject Areas : Historical ArchaeologyElham Sahaki 1 , Yaqub Mohammadifar 2 *
1 - Ph.D. Candidate in Archaeology, Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch, Abhar, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Archaeology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
Keywords: Sarpol-e Zahāb, Observatory, Caravanserai, Zij Manijeh, Recreation place,
Abstract :
In the vast land of Iran, many landmarks have problems in terms of chronology and usage. Among these works is Zij Manijeh, which is located near Sarpol-e Zahāb, Kermanshah. Zij Manijeh is a stone rectangular building with gypsum mortar with dimensions of 35.5 × 57 meters. So far, no detailed report or research has been published about this work. Researchers, in short references, have expressed various opinions about Zij Manijeh. Some scholars considered this building as a caravanserai belonging to the Sassanid period, and others have introduced it as a recreation place, or an observatory. This research generally relies on field activities, and all available related historical documents were collected and investigated. In terms of the plan, materials, and other features, the Zij Manijeh building has been studied. This research aims to determine the use of the building according to the remaining evidence and to compare the building with other similar buildings in terms of characteristics and architectural style. It is suggested that this building was used as a recreation place, a small palace, or a temporary domicile but it was not an observatory.
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