Translation and Analytical Study of Ancient Sogdian Letters (First Letter)
Subject Areas : Interdisciplinary studies
1 - Ph.D. in Ancient Languages and Culture, Member of the Scientific Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran.
Keywords: Sogd, Ancient Sogdian Letters, Chinese Cities,
Abstract :
Sogd was the ancient name of a place near Badaxšān valley. The center of this city was Samargand. In Sasanian era, Sogdian people were known for business activities especially with China and India. This place was considered as one of the main Iranian economic centers. There remains a large number works from these people. Historically, the most important works are sogdian ancient letters. Which were discovered in 1907 by the British archaeologist Sir Aurel Stein in a Chinese watch Tower in Gansu province? These letters include five nearly complete letters and four incompleteness. The author of letters provides extremely important information about the era of the Sogdian Diaspora a long the Silk Road, and also refers to the over whelming chaos and the difficult conditions in China.